

又sem break了,时间还过得真快。感情的事,我早已经看开;) 事情已经告一段落,回想起事情是发生在上一个sembreak,当时的我是多么的天真 ;p 
这个学期里又认识多两位好姐妹,那就是Calvin还有Sim,所以呢我有四个很要好的姐妹,Nini,Poh Yee,Calvin,Sim

Poh yee,Sim,Thong,Calvin,Queenie


Poh Yee:这个学期比较少听到她的爱情故事了,因为我直接听她跟她的爱人谈电话,听了真的有一股冲动想耳聋 ;p 哈哈哈 太肉麻了吧!但是很开心她是幸福的,老公很疼爱她。❤ 最顶不顺她就是做功课很爱慢慢摸,尤其是我们的web design!!!哈哈哈 就想跟你说,不要每次自己一个人emo,我懂你很伤心你总是不能参我们一起因为你家人不给,但是我们没有抛弃你,你永远都是我们的gang,我们的姐妹,okay? ;)) ❤ 最喜欢你就是很会安慰人,每次emo还是有什么事情都有时会跟你分享,分享心事给你听都很舒服,但是有时会给你piak那样咯!哈哈 ;p

在家玩化妆 ;p

Queenie:每个星期都抛弃我,因为她太想念她的家人还有男朋友,所以就抛弃我咯,但是我还是会原谅她,因为从星期一到四,我们天天见,也睡一起,我看也会腻吧 ;p 哈哈哈。有时我们一个发癫就会出去享受,即使知道功课很多,但是开心就好 ;p ❤ 有时很不明白她脑装什么,web design还有flash都很厉害一下,每次功课不会,她都很愿意教我们几个不会的叻。最后有一点给他磨练出来了,虽然还不是很会啦,但至少没有那么讨厌!;p 很喜欢她的家人,都很亲切,很梦幻,真的都很好人 哈哈哈 ;p Nini最近变坏了,她怪我教坏她叻,你说我伤心吗?;(( 谁可以救我?;p 

Calvin:斯斯文文的样子骗到我了,原来他pattern多到不能顶,笑死人 哈哈哈!!!他很爱欺骗我叻,但是有时他又很好人一下,就一下而已啦 ;p 他的性格之类的都跟我蛮像的叻,他是怪人,我也是怪人,所以大家一起怪,所以大家总是一起配合。;p 他很疯狂,很爱做女生做的东西,比如涂指甲油,化妆之类的,他都不懂自己有几“狗”!哈哈哈 还有就是总是要他决定吃什么 ;p 他带我们去吃面粉糕,吃了一次就有很多的下一次了,太好吃了 ;p 他最近越来越坏了,一直钓鱼,学到poh yee了。但是每次听他说不要做功课了,去睡觉了,结果每次去到学校,他的功课都是差不多要做完了的!!!CALVIN你觉得你对吗每次欺骗我们的感情!!!><


Sim:他是个调皮的小孩,每次做功课都是他坐我隔壁,有时很专心在做功课的时候,他突然间拿他的笔插人家的腋下“ka let dei”,有一次就是弄了大家,自己拿那个笔来吃,所以他就是吃了大家的ka let dei味道 哈哈哈!!!活该 ;p 他样子还蛮不错对吧?第一次见他时觉得他超拽的!!!看到我跟nini好像当看不到那样!你很贱叻! ;p


还有就是姐妹们的家人都很好,由于我hometown很远,一个sem只能回一次,所以都没有回然后去姐妹家 ;p 每次nini抛弃我,我就去calvin家,一起假假做功课,一直找东西吃,因为不想做功课又不想有罪恶感,,所以吃东西是最好的~这个是nini教的 哈哈哈 ;p 就这个sem还认识了一些很不错的senior,总是教我功课,总是给我鼓励,还很真的很感谢他的。;')

这就是我们的生活点滴 ^^v


Project Initial Ideas-How to....

These are my project initial ideas. I have come out with 3 different ideas.

1.How to become pretty on the inside and out
 -Have self confidence
 -Remember to be true to yourself
 -Dont forget who you are
 -Dont get hung up on the flaws and focus on what you like about yourself.

2.How to be happy in a relationship
 -Tell him compliments
 -Always support your man
 -Take a good care of him
 -Learn to cook something

3.How to mix and match
 -Do not buy duplicates of the same basic color
 -Find out what kind of color suit your skin tone
 -Determine what kind of dressing suits your normal lifestyle 
 -Wise use of accessories also an important tool

4 screenshots on Photoshop/Illustrator tutorial websites....

1.How to create  this "into the wild"photo manipulation in photoshop

2.Apply Pro Photo Effects with photoshop CS6's Colour Lookup Adjustment

3.Create a Sketchy Hand-drawn camera illustration in illustrator

4.Create a Magical vector landscape using illustrator-vector premium tutorial.

....4 screenshots on beautiful websites with analysis...♥

I had searched many beautiful websites.Here is some screenshots of 4 beautiful websites that I liked and the analysis I had made for the websites.


Analysis:-cool concept,based on a house
-very cute design
-cute character design
-2D design
-The typo is easy to be seen
- Motion graphic is added to make the site more alive.


Analysis:-very cute design
-cute character design
-2D vector design
- Typo match with the theme
-Interesting feedback

3.Anna Sui

-very classic feel
-cool design,based on a room
-little fairy pointer instead of the classic normal pointer
-Nice loading page


- simple design with interesting 2D vector
- Interactive
- Interesting loading page
- Typo is clear to be seen


Web Safe Area ^^

Google Chrome

Mozila Firefox

Internet Explorer

10 Things Best To Describe Myself ^^

Hi,for those who don't know me.I'm Siao Thong,you can call me Belle as well.I'm 19 this year and I'm
a TOA student.

1.I am a PANDA.Because I have a pair of very big eye bags and dark eye circles.After study in TOA,become more and more serious.=(

2.I am TANGLED.Because I have a long long hair but it look so unhealthy.My friends keep ask me to change the hairstyle,but I......

3.I am ANGRY BIRD.I am a girl with hot temper that easy get mad and don't ask me to WAIT!

4.I am GARFIELD.I am a very very lazy girl to do housework and I hate to do it!Luckily my Mum don't ask me to do the housework also. hehe xD

5.I am a QUEEN.I hope that everyone can listen to me especially the love one!

6.I am an ELEPHANT.I have a sexy upper body like Megan Fox,and I also have a very very fat legs like 
Elephant.so sad.haha

7.I am an OWL.I like to do my activity during night and sleep at morning.TOA student all like this right?=D

8.I am a Baby.I will cry easily even a very very small thing. 

9.I am GRASS.I am weak.Like grass will sways with every wind,so I easily get sick when in very cold condition.

10.I am GREY in colour.I always emotional.